Wednesday 7 June 2017

Freedom is not actually freedom

When you have spring break or summer holidays, you are free, you have no homework(maybe sometimes during spring break..), you have no school, you can basically do anything you want or you so you might think. I think that freedom is never there no matter what, we are always bound by rules, either you break it or follow it but it is always there. With rules comes different categories, rebels,rule-followers, rich, poor, intelligent, dumb and it goes on. What if there were no rules, could we actually be free of corruption, racism, and sexism. All this came to me when my mom said she would not let me use any tech after 10 pm which was quite unfair because she had said that the two months of summer holidays, I'd be free.As the rebel that I was, I objected and my mom knew I would not stop until it was fair that I could be free to do as I wish for the summer holidays. Can we actually be free?

I think that freedom doesn't exist and if it did then wouldn't there be just chaos. Comment down what you think freedom is.

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